29/08/2020 4 pm to 12 am (ADT) : Credos 3

Exhibition presented at Art in the Open, a public art festival in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Presented in collaboration with Verticale— centre d’artistes (Laval, QC) as part of the 2019-20 programming.

Exhibiting artists: Lea Cetera, Michael Eddy, Cliff Eyland, Michael Fernandes & Craig Leonard, Mina Hedayat, Asako Iwama, Sean Lynch

Credos is an ongoing exploration into the spiritual searching that emerges through artistic practices. It began as a series of tabletop presentations of art works and discussions in church bazaars in Laval, Quebec. The invited participants are artists and writers whose work has engaged with belief in various ways, many of whom have dealt with their own personal experiences of organized religions, without staging a rejection or a celebration. Rather, there is a translation process involved. This edition is likewise presented on tables in the plaza next to the Confederation Centre for the Arts in Charlottetown.